Datasync Agent in VPC


A customer is interested in DataSync and their security department is telling them to use VPC Endpoints/PrivateLink. As the team is looking through the documentation to provide the security department, a point of clarification is needed (

Documentation states that the agent can be "either on-premises or in-cloud and the DataSync service doesn't need to travel across the public internet or need public IP addresses". The following paragraph goes on to describe considerations when deploying the agent in a VPC. The customer would prefer to deploy the VMWare Datasync agent on-premises.

East question that I would like answered: Does the agent have to be deployed in a VPC to use VPCE?

Thank you in advance.

已提问 5 年前330 查看次数
1 回答

DataSync can use VPC endpoints with either on-premises agents or EC2-based agents, so your customer can absolutely deploy the agent in their VMware environment and use PrivateLink. In fact, PrivateLink support was added specifically to address customers who want to use DataSync on-premises but don't want to traverse the Internet.

已回答 5 年前
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