Cannot make my website live


I cannot make my website live. The instance is running perfectly. I've followed all the necessary steps but couldn't find the problem. Is there something in the settings to make it public?

已提问 1 年前177 查看次数
3 回答

Check the ec2 security group and allow the port to access publicly.

已回答 1 年前

Definitely, you should check out your security groups of the ec2 instance.

已回答 1 年前


There are some other considerations to check. Assuming that your instance is in a public subnet, verify the following:

  • Verify Elastic IP address for public access - This should be a publicly routable IP on the internet
  • An internet gateway is necessary for the internet communication
  • Verify your associated route tables to confirm your default route ( points to your internet gateway
  • Check that Security Groups will allow the appropriate level of access
  • Check that VPC NACLs will allow communication (NACLs are stateless, so you need to check these for bi-directional traffic)

Reference Diagram: Reference Diagram

Please let us know what you find, hope this helps!

已回答 1 年前

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