I have a domain with rout53 configured to a Gmail, mail server using MX

The setup has been working for a year but just recently am unable to send and receive emails, sent emails bounce back with an error: DNS Error: DNS type 'mx' lookup of getaidpharma.com responded with code SERVFAIL

How do I resolve this?

  • Could you possibly share how you have your records setup in Route53. Redact any information if need to!

已提问 1 年前1150 查看次数
3 回答

Hi, it looks like NS records for the domain are missing. I would advise checking your DNS registrar configuration and verifying that Route53 name servers associated with your DNS zone are set for your domain. You can get those by following this documentation - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/GetInfoAboutHostedZone.html

已回答 1 年前

Currently, NS records are available, I have not made changes since its setup about a year ago, and its been working until about a week ago.

Attached is the NS records

Enter image description here

已回答 1 年前
  • You have to check at the DNS registrar, where domain name was purchased from, not DNS zone settings.


Thanks for the information; I found out the NS at the registrar has changed, but I am not sure why and when this happened. However, I have updated the NS at the hosted zone and verified if it's working via mxtoolbox.com, but I still get a failed response.

已回答 1 年前
  • You need to give it some time to replicate across the Internet. How long depends on TTL settings and caching. I can now see proper NS and MX records.

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