I have a large matrix, and I would like to use AWS Braket tools to solve the QUBO problem.


I'm working with very large matrices for QUBO problems, and I'm currently using QBsolv from D-Wave. However, given that Qbsolv is being discontinued, I identified that D-wave has 2 solutions for this type of problem: Leap's and Hybrid solver. Would it be possible for me to use these D-Wave solutions within Amazon Braket? If the Amazon Braket does not accept using it without a specific D-wave account, what could I use from Braket itself to solve QUBO problems with extremely large matrices in a more efficient way?

已提问 2 年前319 查看次数
1 回答

Hello, and thank you for your interest in Braket! Although D-Wave has dropped support for qbsolv, that method should still work. The hybrid solvers on D-Wave's Leap platform are not available through Amazon Braket. However, D-Wave's new dwave-hybrid library contains hybrid algorithms which should be compatible with Amazon Braket. I was able to use the KerberosSampler (documentation) with Braket's Ocean plugin by setting qpu_sampler=BraketDWaveSampler() to solve a QUBO problem. Let us know if this answers your questions.

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