Listener added under Load Balancers and inbound rule under security groups are getting removed after sometime


I have added listener in load balancers corresponding to our project as target instance and edited inbound rules of respective security groups to expose 31739 port on our AWS cluster. It was working fine. But from past 1 week, whatever the listeners that I added to load balancers and inbound rules to security groups are getting removed automatically after sometime. I am not sure why it is happening. You can let me know if you need any additional details

已提问 1 年前367 查看次数
2 回答

Yeah, I can see that DeleteListener and RevokeSecurityGroupIngress have occured after I have added listeners and modified securityGroups. May I know why these actions are being triggered?DeleteListener and RevokeSecurityGroupIngress

已回答 1 年前
  • It is blocking us from connecting to our DB2 instance. Can you please check it on priority and resolve it team?



ALB listener rules and security group rules do not disappear automatically.
Check the CloudTrail event history to see if any events related to ALBs or security groups, such as "RevokeSecurityGroupIngress" or "DeleteListener", have occurred.
You should be able to identify which IAM user performed the operation from the event history.

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