SES Email identity not verifying after verifying the Domain identity


First, I have verified the domain identity called with DKIM authenticity and sign length (RSA_2048_BIT) in the Mumbai region. Then I raised a support case for production access to SE by remove from the out of the sandbox. The support team helped us to give production access

Then, I move forward to verify the Email identity called Email identity verification is getting failed with the error "Unverified - To verify this email address, open the verification email from and select the verification link"

Why do I need to verify by mail inbox ? I have verified my main domain

已提问 2 年前373 查看次数
1 回答

Hello, There could be multiple reasons for email verification failures. It is difficult to troubleshoot without sharing more specific details. I recommend you follow this troubleshooting guide first:

If the problem persists, please open a support case with AWS Support. This way, you can securely share information about the domain and problem details.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前
  • Already taking help from them for last 14 days but the issue was not resolved. Maybe the issue is the region as my all clients are in Bahrain region and my SES is in N.Virgenia.

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