If HLS Segment is less than or equal to 2 Sec


As per HLS specs,segment duration must be 6 sec.But to achieve low latency we usually keep 2sec as segment duration specially in live tv stream.

Playback is fine.But as per documentation what other additional issues we can face if we reduce the segment size to 2 sec or less than that

已提问 2 年前1851 查看次数
1 回答

There are pros and cons for a lower segment duration in HLS.

Smaller segments (e.g. 2 seconds) enables reduced tune-in time when watching live tv stream with faster download of the required buffered segments before playback begins. It also helps you reduce latency (delay from live) vs longer segments with same buffered segment requirements.

On the flip side, you will increase the number of requests to the origin and the CDN by 3 times if you move from 6s to 2s segments. The cost may be insignificant but still additional cost over use of a larger segment. You will also need good network conditions where the network congestion and drop will not impact the shortened buffered content due to lower segments size.

The decision should be based on what user experience you want for your customers and intersect that with network conditions, additional requests, and player capabilities.

已回答 2 年前

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