Current month's total forecast != Forecasted month-end costs


Every month we pay $400 - $500 for various AWS services. Today, however, my "Current month's total forecast" said USD 3,039.95. This was quite scary to see, however when I go to the cost explorer it tells me that my "Forecasted month-end costs" are $471.68, which is normal. As of yesterday, I have created one Lambda function and one DynamoDB table and when I look into my charges this far in the month, they are completely normal and expected. I have looked at my usage this month and see nothing out of the ordinary. What is causing my forecast to be so high? Did any AWS services change their pricing or billing structure as of this month?

已提问 1 年前1640 查看次数
1 回答

If you see a high forecast early in the month, It may be because some services bill a larger amount at one time, around the first of the month. Most services bill at a steady state and increase at the same rate over the entire month.

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已回答 1 年前
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已审核 24 天前
  • Ok good, that's what I was thinking as we have two workspaces, but I had never noticed such a number on the first day of the month.

  • @tedtrent Hi, is there any way to avoid this undesired behaviour? Could the new auto-adjusting budgeting method help?

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