Can't create alias in codecatalyst


I'm trying to access codecatalyst via I've already created a builder ID (which I'm using to login here) but when I try and login to codecatalyst, it asks me to create an alias but when I enter an alphanumeric alias as requested and click the createalias button, it's just stays on the same screen.

I'm using Chrome on a macbook if that makes a difference, and I've tried deleting any cookies associated with the URL (

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已提问 1 年前437 查看次数
4 回答

This seems to be working now!

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已回答 1 年前
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已审核 1 个月前

Hi @Sundaresh_I and thanks for replying.

There are no errors shown on the screen - I logged in via, and went to the signin link. I entered username and password as requested, and was then taken to the create alias screen at I then entered an alias (I've tried a few different combinations in case it needs to be unique) but after entering the alias and pressing the Create Alias button, I'm returned to the same screen with no message.

I've just tried again, using inspector in chrome and I see a number of prod requests, followed by two graphql requests. The 2d graphql request has a response which reads:

{"errors":[{"message":"request change failure: FAILED_GOVERNANCE","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["createUserDetails"],"extensions":{"name":"ValidationException"},"name":"ValidationException"}],"data":{"createUserDetails":null}}

I've created a new Builder ID, and repeated the process and it works - however, I'd prefer to use the first account. The only difference I can see in the Builder ID accounts is that I've added some certifications to the original (first) account.

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已回答 1 年前
  • Does both of these builder IDs use same AWS accounts or different accounts?


Hi Simon, I'm sorry you encountered this issue during sign up. Did you get any error message on screen? I was just able to login into Amazon CodeCatalyst with an existing builder ID and create an alias from a mac laptop using a chrome browser. When you signup for CodeCatalyst with an existing builder ID, It will prompt you to enter an alphanumeric alias. Once you enter the alias and click on create, it will bring you to the space creation page. These steps are detailed out in the user guide for your reference. Could you give it a try by following these steps?

已回答 1 年前


Does both of these builder IDs use same AWS accounts or different accounts?

This is before we associate the codecatalyst with an AWS account - it's at the stage where we first login to and it's trying to assign an alias.

When I use the second account, I can continue on and associate accounts, create spaces and projects etc. but with the first I'm stuck in the 'create alias' loop. I'm actually using the account that has an issue in codecatalyst here, so I'm assuming the account itself is ok.


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已回答 1 年前

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