"EDITED" Expresslink messages not being seen in IOT core


I have an Espressif Expresslink Dev board connected to an Arduino running the example sketch. I solved the original Issue I had and it started sending messages to AWS and I could see them arrive in the test client. However, after a period of time, which varies from seconds to a few hours, it just stops being able to connect and I see no messages. The code is designed to try and reconnect when a connection is lost, but once it has failed to send a message, or the message is not recieved, it never starts again unless I restart the Arduino Uno. Its hard to debug because opening the serial monitor seems to kick it back into life. Any help appreciated as this is a real pain.

已提问 2 年前410 查看次数
5 回答

Are you using the same IoT policy for the faulty device and the 2 other devices for which you observe messages in the test client?

To check whether this is permissions issues, please enable logging , and look for an error on message publish for the device.

Any logs you can share from the device side?

已回答 2 年前

Hi, same policy is attached but. i can't find any logging for this thing except for its shadow.

已回答 2 年前

Welcome to Re:Post and thanks for your question. This issue sounds like the ExpressLink device is being disconnected from the network. This could be due to inactivity (aka a TLS timeout) or several other reasons. Can you provide ExpressLink device logs from when the disconnect happens? This would help me in debugging your issue.

Also regarding...

The code is designed to try and reconnect when a connection is lost..

You mean the Arduino code/sketch, right? An AWS ExpressLink device will never automatically reconnect on your behalf. This is done on purpose as network traffic for IoT devices can be very expensive and maintaining a network connection means sending traffic.

已回答 2 年前

Have you updated the board's firmware? You can get information about the version from AT+CONF? Version and AT+CONF? TechSpec.

Updated firmware for the Espressif board is available at https://github.com/espressif/esp-aws-expresslink-eval.

已回答 2 年前

I haven't for some time. I stopped using the boards as it became clear that I was sold a product that was not actually ready for release to the public. I had wasted a lot of time trying to make it work and in the end it was easier to run an ethernet cable in my case. I may have another use case soon and will try with the upgrade.

已回答 2 年前

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