Forensic and statistical analysis FAILED the exam


Yesterday I took SAA exam and after the exam ended it showed that I passed. However today I received this email from AWS that I failed when they performed some forensic analysis. What in the world is this thing. I didn't do anything. I showed invigilator everything I was doing and he had no objection. I didn't speak or used any program other than PSI secure browser. And now I receive this email. It also says all my previous certifications are revoked. What the hell is this. This is a system generated email and I cannot reply to it. Who am I supposed to contact here I'm literally shaking right now.

You are receiving this email because AWS has detected statistical anomalies in your AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam performance, which prevents AWS from validating and certifying your results. AWS performed forensic and statistical analysis on the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam that was delivered under your AWS Certification account on Dec 4 2021 3:40AM. AWS's use of data forensics to detect statistical anomalies is explained in the AWS Certification Program Agreement ("the CPA").

As permitted by the CPA, AWS, in our sole discretion, has invalidated your AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam result and revoked any previously issued AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification related to your exam result. You are not eligible to receive a refund of any testing fees.

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If you have further questions about the email, please follow the instructions with it to reach out to our team accordingly.

AWS Certification

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