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Hi jsonc,
Thanks for your answer!
Yes sure I track all the notifications for complaints and bounces for years. And I do see some complaints in my tracking systems sometimes so it works.
The problem is that there are NO notifications about recent complaints and the rate is increasing. The other problem is that complaints rate is increasing and is not decreasing for months now.
Maybe my problem is related for the issue reported here? https://repost.aws/questions/QURR3IxhFBRZqfEmEcEp6nqA/spike-in-outlook-com-all-microsoft-complaint-rates
I published my AccountID in a hope someone from AWS investigate the issue I reported.
Thanks, Andrey.
The complaint rate calculation has a bug, it's showing a totally different value compared to what's the real metrics give by total(complaint) / total(sent).
I've spent some time writing this script to calculate the correct value.
Please submit it to the technical team to review, I don't have that level of subscription.
SEND=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
--namespace AWS/SES --metric-name Send \
--start-time 2023-01-01 --end-time 2024-01-01 \
--period 864000000 --statistics Sum --query 'Datapoints[0].Sum')
BOUNCE=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
--namespace AWS/SES --metric-name Bounce \
--start-time 2023-01-01 --end-time 2024-01-01 \
--period 864000000 --statistics Sum --query 'Datapoints[0].Sum')
COMPLAINT=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics \
--namespace AWS/SES --metric-name Complaint \
--start-time 2023-01-01 --end-time 2024-01-01 \
--period 864000000 --statistics Sum --query 'Datapoints[0].Sum')
BOUNCE_RATE=$(bc <<< "scale=4; ($BOUNCE/$SEND)*100")
COMPLAINT_RATE=$(bc <<< "scale=4; ($COMPLAINT/$SEND)*100")
echo "bounce rate: $BOUNCE_RATE%"
echo "complaint rate: $COMPLAINT_RATE%"
Hi. Good question, Andrey.
First off, I would recommend not giving out your Account ID.
One thing you could do is to track notifications for complaints and bounces: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/notification-examples.html
Those notifications can give you more information about the categorization and why you're seeing some of the complaints. That may help you determine the cause of the complaints.
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- AWS 官方已更新 5 个月前
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