Request for Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support in AWS API Gateway


Hello AWS Team,

I am currently utilizing AWS API Gateway for building real-time applications and have encountered the limitation that API Gateway does not natively support Server-Sent Events (SSE). SSE is a server push technology enabling a browser to receive automatic updates from a server via an HTTP connection, which is essential for my use case of providing live updates to clients without them needing to request (or poll) for the data explicitly.

Given the rising demand for real-time features in web applications, the lack of SSE support is a notable gap in the current capabilities of API Gateway. While WebSockets can be an alternative, they come with extra complexity and overhead, especially when unidirectional communication from server to client is sufficient. SSE is a simpler solution for scenarios where full-duplex communication provided by WebSockets isn't necessary.

Could you please provide insight into the reasons why SSE support is not available in API Gateway? Additionally, I would like to formally suggest the inclusion of SSE support in AWS API Gateway's roadmap as it would greatly benefit developers who rely on this technology for creating more interactive and live experiences in their applications.

Adding SSE support would enhance the capabilities of API Gateway, allowing for a wider range of real-time applications to be built and managed within the AWS ecosystem. I believe many customers would appreciate the implementation of this feature.

Thank you for considering this feature request. I am looking forward to your response and any potential updates regarding SSE support in AWS API Gateway.

Best regards,

已提问 6 个月前188 查看次数
1 回答

Fully agree that a native Serverless SSE support would benefit massively.

On the topic of WebSockets and its overhead I recently discovered that AWS IoT despite its name supports MQTT via WebSockets (Serverless) with almost no custom code necessary (it only requires a minimal Lambda for authentication).

已回答 3 个月前

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