Is Windows Server in EC2 free?


Good day!

I just launched an instance with the "Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Base" AMI. The system tells me windows was activated using the organization? Does that mean Windows is free in EC2?(forever or only a trial period?) Or am I missing something?

Thanks and have a great day!

已提问 2 年前1427 查看次数
3 回答

The cost of windows is included in the hourly rate. See pricing details here -

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前

For new account 1 year is the free tier limit and in this you get 750Hrs/month for Windows instance and 750Hrs/month for Linux EC2 instance only free tier available AMIs are free. If monthly utilization exceeds 750Hrs then you will get charged /sec or /hr basis and If you don't have free tier account i.e. account is older than 1 year you won't get any free tier and will be charged /sec or /hr basis for your resources utilization. I hope this might be helpful ...!!!

已回答 2 年前

Also take a look at the cost calculator

An example for the following config in us-east-1 works out at 1,506.84 USD for 12 months

Operating system (Windows Server), Quantity (1), Pricing strategy (EC2 Instance Savings Plans 1 Year No Upfront), Storage amount (30 GB), Instance type (t3a.xlarge)

已回答 2 年前

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