AWS Chatbot inital Setup / Organization Feature


Hi, does anyone know if theres an hidden API or a workaround to do the initial setup for AWS Chatbot automatically. Background information we want to user AWS Chatbot in an big AWS orgnaization with hundrets of AWS Accounts, i want to configure AWS Chatbot, trough AWS CDK and i dont want to do the initial AWS Chatbot setup in all accounts manually, even a Organization Feature would be helpful in this case.

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已提问 1 年前339 查看次数
3 回答

Currently, it is possible to tie SNS topics and Slack channels to AWS Chatbot with CDK and CloudFormation.

However, you will need to manually do the work up to Step 1 of 5 in the following document, which gives Slack workspace access to your AWS account.

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已回答 1 年前

Hi Riku, i know that i can do that manually, but i don't have time to do that in hundrets of AWS Accounts, so it would be nice to have either a AWS Organisation Feature to do that once, or as Werner Vogels is saying - "work backwards from their use cases. And then come up with a minimal and simplest form of API that you can actually offer" - that AWS is giving us a 100% automation approach for that :)

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已回答 1 年前

Unfortunately, there should be no way to automate this process at present.

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已回答 1 年前

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