How to access EKS application with cross account ALB hosted in public subnet.


For EKS Setup

Account A , with VPC hosting public Subnet and this subnet shared to Account B. Account B VPC having Pvt Subnet with EKS deployed. and shared public subnet coming from Account A.

Now PODs need to be exposed via ALB in Acct A/VPC/Public Subnet. Is it possible or what is pre-req ?

已提问 9 个月前267 查看次数
1 回答

Have you checked out this blog?

Sounds like address your exact question of with VPC sharing between two accounts, ALB owned in Account A and EKS in Account B exposing those PODs from ALB in Account A. Requires setting up of Roles to perform cross account duties when calling the AWS Load Balancer Controller for exposing your EKS Pods.

If you have seen the blog and further questions, please free to post and will try to answer them.

已回答 9 个月前
  • Hi, This did not work for my use case. I want to deploy External and Internal ALB at same time. EKS ALB controller can only take single VPCId. If I want to use VPC ID from Account A, to deploy Public facing ALB and also want to use VPC ID from Account B, to deploy Private ALB, it's erroring on "Target Group Creation". EKS can only work with single VPCId at a time in my test so far.

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