Zero-ETL DynamoDB Integration to OpenSearch Serverless Collection


I'm attempting to create a new integration from my Dynamo DB table to my OpenSearch Collection.

I have streams enabled (New and old images) and I have Point-in-time recovery (PITR) turned on. However, when I get to the integrations tab within Dynamo DB the create button is greyed out. I have had a look around on various forums but can't seem to figure out why. I have attempted to turn on/off the PITR and restoring the db but still no luck.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 回答

From my understanding the create button is simply a link to the CreatePipeline webpage on the OpenSearch console.

However, i'll take this up with the team to ensure the link is not greyed out and works as expected. Thank you for reporting.


A fix has been published for this in all regions. Let me know if you are still having difficulty. Thank you for your patience.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 8 个月前

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