Neptune databases / snapshots / notebooks show spinner and never load in AWS Web Console


Hi, the title says it all.

We've been using Neptune for 2 years now and I never had any similar issue, moreover my colleague from the same org can access everything.

When going to any of the Neptune functional sections in the web console I see a spinner and nothing is changing.

It happened following an upgrade to the latest neptune db but imho it's unrelated, the upgrade affected the cluster but not my access, which is btw admin.

In chrome console I see this: Uncaught Error: java.lang.ClassCastException at m (gdb.nocache.js:9:363) at gdb.nocache.js:10:49 at HTMLDocument.d (gdb.nocache.js:6:71)

AWS wants the company to pay for premium support but it looks like a bug.

any ideas appreciated.

EDIT: Apparently the colleague who can see things, cannot restore from snapshots.

Best, Igor

  • Hi Igor, thanks for reaching out via re:Post. I'm doing a little research to see what I can find out.

  • Hi again Igor - it will help diagnose the problem if we are able to get a little more information (region, account ID etc). If you are able to provide a HAR file from the browser that will also be very helpful. Rather than do that here in the forum, would you be able to reach out to me via e-mail? If so you can e-mail

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