How to run EC2 instance with Step Function


How can I run an instance using Step function? The best if it can by run sync way with outputting instance ID :)

已提问 1 个月前495 查看次数
3 回答

You can use Step Functions AWS SDK Service Integrations to call the EC2 API directly. Below is Amazon States Language for a simple example (you would need to update the specified security group and you need to ensure the Execution Role for your state machine has the necessary privs to make the call to the EC2 API).

An easy way to build this stuff up is to first go to the EC2 Console where you can build up the instance type you want, then use the Review Commands link to show the API parameters: Enter image description here

Then you can just paste those into the API Parameters for your Task State in Step Functions: Enter image description here

And if you want to do multiple steps, such as create a new security group or look up such info, you can do that in previous workflow steps and pass into your RunInstances call.

  "StartAt": "RunInstances",
  "States": {
    "RunInstances": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "End": true,
      "Parameters": {
        "MaxCount": 1,
        "MinCount": 1,
        "ImageId": "ami-0663b059c6536cac8",
        "InstanceType": "t2.micro",
        "EbsOptimized": false,
        "NetworkInterfaces": [
            "AssociatePublicIpAddress": true,
            "DeviceIndex": 0,
            "Groups": [
        "MetadataOptions": {
          "HttpEndpoint": "enabled",
          "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 2,
          "HttpTokens": "required"
        "PrivateDnsNameOptions": {
          "HostnameType": "ip-name",
          "EnableResourceNameDnsARecord": true,
          "EnableResourceNameDnsAAAARecord": false
      "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::aws-sdk:ec2:runInstances"
已回答 1 个月前

Hi , There is multiple ways to we can run EC2 with step function.

  1. invoke lambda from step function in lambda, need to implement run the EC2 instance
  2. invoke SSM from step function

Both ways we can run EC2 instance from step function

Try below code snippet to create instance in boto3

import json import boto3 import os import time

ec2_client = boto3.client("ec2", region_name=os.environ['AWS_REGION'])

def create_instance(): instances = ec2_client.run_instances( ImageId=os.environ['ami'], MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, SecurityGroupIds=[os.environ['security_group']], InstanceType=os.environ['instance_type'], SubnetId=os.environ['subnet_id'], IamInstanceProfile={'Name': 'ec2-instance-role'} ) instance_id = instances["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]

max_time = 800 # 10min
start_time = 0
health_check = False

while start_time <= max_time:
    response = ec2_client.describe_instance_status(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
    for instance in response['InstanceStatuses']:
        print("EC2 System status:%s" %instance['SystemStatus']['Status'])
        if instance['SystemStatus']['Status'] == 'initializing':
        elif instance['SystemStatus']['Status'] == 'ok':
            health_check = True

    print("Health Check:%s" %health_check)
    if health_check:
        # wait for a min for next iteration
        start_time += 60 

if not health_check:
    return {
        'statusCode': 400,
        'body': "The Instance %s health check failed" %instances["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]

return instances["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]

def lambda_handler(event, context): try: instanceId = create_instance()
return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps({'instance_id': instanceId}) } except Exception as e: return { 'statusCode': 400, 'body': 'Creation of EC2 instance failed:%s' %e }

By invoking above function before, need to add subnet, security role etc. which are defined in OS.

已回答 1 个月前
profile pictureAWS
已审核 1 个月前


You have a full example in this article:

Choose your favorite language at bottom of article.


profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 个月前
  • this one doesnt spin up new instance

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