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All Content tagged with 亚马逊 SageMaker Edge
Amazon SageMaker Edge enables machine learning on edge devices by optimizing, securing, and deploying models to the edge, and then monitoring these models on your fleet of devices, such as smart cameras, robots, and other smart-electronics, to reduce ongoing operational costs. Customers who train models in TensorFlow, MXNet, PyTorch, XGBoost, and TensorFlow Lite can use SageMaker Edge to improve their performance, deploy them on edge devices, and monitor their health throughout their lifecycle.
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【以下的问题经过翻译处理】 我正在尝试部署自己的GreengrassV2组件,其中包括SageMaker ML模型(使用SageMakerNeo进行优化并封装为Greengrass组件)和相应的推理应用程序。我试图使用SageMaker Edge Manager组件将其部署到我的核心设备上,但它总是停留在“进行中”的状态。