如何使用 CloudFormation 範本管理 AWS Backup 設定?
2 分的閱讀內容
我想要使用 AWS Backup 從其他 AWS 資源備份我的資料。此外,我想要使用 AWS CloudFormation 範本來管理我的 AWS Backup 組態。
若要建立 CloudFormation 範本,請使用支援的 AWS Backup 資源類型。例如,您可以使用 CloudFormation 範本建立備份計畫,並將資源指派給備份計畫。您也可以使用範本建立備份計畫、建立備份保存庫,並將資源指派給備份計畫。
下方的 YAML 格式範例 CloudFormation 範本會執行下列動作:
- 建立一個名為 BackupPlanWithThinBackups 的備份計畫。
- 將備份設定為儲存在名為 Default 的保存庫中。
- 建立名為 RuleForDailyBackups 的備份規則,排程在上午 11:25 執行每日備份。
- 開啟 Windows VSS。
- 將生命週期設定為在建立備份後七天將其刪除。
- 設定 CopyAction 將備份複製到 us-west-2 AWS 區域以備災難復原。
- 使用名為 AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole 的 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 角色來執行備份任務。
- 將備份計畫指派給使用索引鍵 backupplan 及值 dsi-sandbox-daily 標記的所有資源。
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: >- Backup Plan template to back up all resources tagged with backupplan=dsi-sandbox-daily at 11:25am UTC. Resources: BackupPlanWithThinBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupPlan" Properties: BackupPlan: BackupPlanName: "BackupPlanWithThinBackups" AdvancedBackupSettings: - ResourceType: EC2 BackupOptions: WindowsVSS: enabled BackupPlanRule: - RuleName: "RuleForDailyBackups" TargetBackupVault: Default ScheduleExpression: "cron(25 11 ? * * *)" Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 7 CopyActions: - DestinationBackupVaultArn: arn:aws:backup:us-west-2:111222333444:backup-vault:Default Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 14 TagBasedBackupSelection: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupSelection" Properties: BackupSelection: SelectionName: "TagBasedBackupSelection" IamRoleArn: !Sub "arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole" ListOfTags: - ConditionType: "STRINGEQUALS" ConditionKey: "backupplan" ConditionValue: "dsi-sandbox-daily" BackupPlanId: !Ref BackupPlanWithThinBackups DependsOn: BackupPlanWithThinBackups
下方的 YAML 格式範例 CloudFormation 範本會執行下列動作:
- 建立名為 Default 的備份保存庫。
- 建立一個名為 BackupPlanWithThinBackups 的備份計畫。
- 將備份設定為儲存在名為 BackupVaultWithThinBackups 的保存庫中。
- 建立名為 RuleForDailyBackups 的備份規則,排程執行每日備份。這些備份在建立後七天會刪除。
- 開啟 Windows VSS。
- 設定 CopyAction 將備份複製到 us-west-2 AWS 區域以備災難復原。這些備份會在建立後 14 天刪除。
- 建立名為 RuleForWeeklyBackups 的備份規則,排程在每週一上午 11:00 執行每週備份。這些備份會在建立後 28 天刪除。
- 建立名為 RuleForMonthlyBackups 的備份規則,排程在每月第一天上午 11:00 執行備份。這些備份會在建立後 90 天刪除。
- 使用名為 AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole 的 IAM 角色來執行備份任務。
- 將備份計畫指派給使用索引鍵 backup 及值 thinbackup 標記的所有資源。
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: "Backup Plan template for thin backups" Resources: BackupVaultWithThinBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupVault" Properties: BackupVaultName: "BackupVaultWithThinBackups" BackupPlanWithThinBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupPlan" Properties: BackupPlan: BackupPlanName: "BackupPlanWithThinBackups" AdvancedBackupSettings: - ResourceType: EC2 BackupOptions: WindowsVSS: enabled BackupPlanRule: - RuleName: "RuleForDailyBackups" TargetBackupVault: !Ref BackupVaultWithThinBackups ScheduleExpression: "cron(25 11 ? * * *)" Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 7 CopyActions: - DestinationBackupVaultArn: arn:aws:backup:us-west-2:111222333444:backup-vault:Default Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 14 - RuleName: "RuleForWeeklyBackups" TargetBackupVault: !Ref BackupVaultWithThinBackups ScheduleExpression: "cron(0 11 ? * 2 *)" Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 28 CopyActions: - DestinationBackupVaultArn: arn:aws:backup:us-west-2:111222333444:backup-vault:Default Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 14 - RuleName: "RuleForMonthlyBackups" TargetBackupVault: !Ref BackupVaultWithThinBackups ScheduleExpression: "cron(0 11 1 * ? *)" Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 90 CopyActions: - DestinationBackupVaultArn: arn:aws:backup:us-west-2:111222333444:backup-vault:Default Lifecycle: DeleteAfterDays: 14 DependsOn: BackupVaultWithThinBackups TagBasedBackupSelection: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupSelection" Properties: BackupSelection: SelectionName: "TagBasedBackupSelection" IamRoleArn: !Sub "arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole" ListOfTags: - ConditionType: "STRINGEQUALS" ConditionKey: "backup" ConditionValue: "thinbackup" BackupPlanId: !Ref BackupPlanWithThinBackups DependsOn: BackupPlanWithThinBackups
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