How do I troubleshoot access to OpenSearch Serverless Dashboards to view my collection?

6 分的閱讀內容

I can't access my collection in Amazon OpenSearch Serverless Dashboards with the network access set as 'VPC Endpoint'.

Short description

Resources that are in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) as the Amazon VPC endpoint can access OpenSearch Serverless Dashboards. Or, you can connect to the VPN for the VPC to access Dashboards.

If you still can't access Dashboards, then you might be experiencing one of the following issues:

  • Your connection times out because your resource doesn't have access to the VPC endpoint.
  • You receive a 401 Unauthorized error because you client machine is outside the VPC, or an access policy is denying access.
  • You receive a HTTP Error 403 error because you don't have permission to access Dashboards.


Connection timeout

If your connection times out when you try to access OpenSearch Dashboards from your browser, then the resource might not have access to the VPC endpoint. You must add the source security group or IP address to the inbound rules of security group that's associated with the OpenSearch Serverless VPC endpoint.

Resolve the DNS host of the VPC endpoint

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the OpenSearch Service console, and then get the VPC endpoint URL, for example

  2. On the client machine, open the terminal and run the following command:


    The output lists the IP addresses, such as in the following example:

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Addresses: 172.X1.Y1.123
  3. To run a telnet test on port 443, run the following command:

    telnet 172.X1.Y1.123 443

    Note: Replace 172.X1.Y1.123 443 with the IP address from the output that you received.
    If you can connect to the VPC endpoint, then you get an output that's similar to the following example:

    $ telnet 172.X1.Y1.123 443
    Trying 172.X1.Y1.123...
    Connected to 172.X1.Y1.123.
    Escape character is '^]'.

Use Reachability Analyzer to identify if EC2 can connect to the VPC endpoint

If you use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to access your VPC endpoint, then use Reachability Analyzer to troubleshoot connectivity issues.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the AWS Network Manager console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Monitoring and troubleshooting, choose Reachability Analyzer.
  3. Choose Create and analyze path.
  4. On the Create and analyze path page, enter the following information:
    Under Path source, for Source type, choose Instances. Then, select your Amazon EC2 instance.
    Under Path destination, for Destination type, choose VPC endpoints. Then, select the collection's VPC endpoint.
    For Protocol, choose TCP.
    Choose Create and analyze path.
  5. Under the Analyses tab, review the reachability test results.

401 Unauthorized error

Either the client machine that you use has an IP address that's included in the security group inbound rules, but the machine is outside the VPC. Or, you can't access the collection because a network access policy is denying access.

Resolve the DNS host of the VPC endpoint

Complete the following steps:

  1. On the client machine, open the terminal and run the following command to determine if the hostname resolves to a private link:


    The output lists the IP addresses, such as in the following example:

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Addresses: 172.X1.Y1.123
  2. If your DNS resolves to a public hostname, then review the configurations for your VPC, subnet, and security group.
    Example DNS resolution:

    Server: ip-A1-B-C2-D.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal
    Address: 10.A.BC.D
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Addresses: 3.X1.YZ1.55
  3. Review the resolver host and IP address configuration to determine whether the resolver is unexpected, such as a proxy resolver. If the configuration is an unexpected resolver, then the resolver might internally use another Amazon VPC resolver.

  4. If nslookup resolves to a private link and you continue to get 401 errors, then create a HAR file to troubleshoot the error.

Create a HAR file

Reproduce the issue in your browser, and then create a HAR file to determine the cause of the error.

Example HAR file:

  "status": 401,
  "statusText": "Unauthorized",
  "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
  "headers": [      
      "name": "content-length",
      "value": "0"      
      "name": "date",
      "value": "Thu, 30 Mar 2023 00:29:21 GMT"
      "name": "server",       
      "value": "aoss-amazon"      
      "name": "x-aoss-response-hint",
      "value": "X01:network-policy-deny"
      "name": "x-request-id",
      "value": "b1211888-1234-9e64-9999-aaxyzab1fd6"

In the preceding example, access to Dashboards is denied because of the X01:network-policy-deny network access policy. To resolve this issue, update your network access policy so that the VPC endpoint in the network policy matches your collection's VPC endpoint.

HTTP ERROR 403: You don't have authorization to view this page

If you get a HTTP ERROR 403, then the user profile doesn't have permission to access Dashboards. Reproduce the issue in your browser. Then, create a HAR file to determine the required permissions to access Dashboards.

Example HAR file:

  "status": 403,
  "statusText": "Forbidden",
  "httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",     
  "headers": [      
      "name": "content-length",
      "value": "0"      
      "name": "date",
      "value": "Mon, 17 Apr 2023 00:10:25 GMT"
      "name": "server",       
      "value": "aoss-amazon-d"      
      "name": "x-aoss-response-hint",
      "value": "X01:dashboards-authz-denied"      
      "name": "x-envoy-upstream-service-time",
      "value": "19"      
      "name": "x-request-id",
      "value": "b559fd8f-315e-9fe9-a9e8-6ff5791b765a"

Update your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to include the required permissions.

Additional troubleshooting steps

Update your IAM permissions for data plane policies

To access Amazon OpenSearch Serverless data plane APIs and OpenSearch Dashboards from a browser, update your IAM permissions. You must add the aoss:APIAccessAll and aoss:DashboardsAccessAll IAM permissions to the permissions policy.

Update your IAM user or group configurations

Update the data access policy that's attached to your collection to include the correct permissions for the IAM user or group. Then, sign in to the AWS Management Console as the IAM user or group that has the data access policy permissions. OpenSearch Dashboards automatically uses the IAM credentials to log you in to OpenSearch Dashboards.

Update your SAML user or group configurations

For SAML users or groups, sign in with entity that has the correct data access policy permissions. Update the user or group to match the SAML provider configuration. The mappings between the user or group and the SAML provider are case sensitive and must match. To troubleshoot the contents of real assertations, you can use a tool such as the SAML-tracer. For more information, see Configure SAML fields.

Don't open the OpenSearch Dashboards URL from the AWS Management Console. Instead enter the URL in a new tab or window. If you use the link from the AWS Management Console, then the console tries to authenticate the IAM user.

Related information

How do I set up an OpenSearch Serverless collection with an Amazon VPC endpoint and access the collection's dashboard?

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