S3 Bucket Object Versioning & Lifecycle Rules - Applied to Existing Objects or only New?


Do S3 Bucket Lifecycle Rules and Object Versioning apply to existing objects or only new ones?

已提問 7 年前檢視次數 2582 次
1 個回答

http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/how-to-set-lifecycle-configuration-intro.html says: " When you add a lifecycle configuration to a bucket, the configuration rules apply to both existing objects and objects that you add later. For example, if you add a lifecycle configuration rule today with an expiration action that causes objects with a specific prefix to expire 30 days after creation, Amazon S3 will queue for removal any existing objects that are more than 30 days old. "

http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/ObjectVersioning.html says: " When you enable versioning on a bucket, existing objects, if any, in the bucket are unchanged: the version IDs (null), contents, and permissions remain the same. "

已回答 7 年前

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