AWS Client VPN via linux command line?


I would like to start a VPN connection from command line. This is possible with OpenVPN. However, the OpenVPN client does not recognize AWS' auth-fed keyword in the .ovpn file. It seems that AWS Client VPN for Linux is only for linux desktop environment.

  • Could you please accept the answer posted below ?

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 5061 次
4 個答案

I believe at this point this stands to be correct about the requirement. However, you can raise an Feature request stating your use-case, if needed. :)

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前

Hello, I believe there is a requirement for the Client VPN for linux as stated in the reference document below, To use the AWS provided client for Linux, the following is required: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (AMD64 only) Whats new: Reference: Let me know if this helps.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前
  • Sounds like the Ubuntu desktop environment is required for the AWS VPN Client. :(

  • The question is about using a CLI instead of the client, not about how to use the client.


Does anybody know how to open this vpn client from a non-gnome desktop environment.

The AWS VPN client readily appears in gnome, but when i use i3 i have no idea on how to invoke it.

Anyone have any ideas?

已回答 8 個月前

Someone figured that out? We are also looking to connect to our VPN over cli from ubuntu and could not find any resources...

已回答 7 個月前

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