Amazon Lex's intent is not identified in contact flows or customer information is not recognized


I have created my Lex bot which is working perfectly fine. I have already created the chat flow for my AWS Connect and added the Lex bot to it. On my Amazon Connect flow i have added the Set Voice block before the Customer Input (Spanish US) I checked to have the same voice and language.

The issue is that my contact always ends up on Error State and closes the connection but i get no logs when testing on Connect.

已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 233 次
3 個答案

If you are trying to create a chat flow, the use of the set voice block would create the error. Why would you want to set the voice on a chat flow? Can you describe the desired experience you are trying to implement for your customer? Do you want this experience to work both for voice and chat?

已回答 5 個月前
  • What I understood is that when in chat it's working, but when he is traying to use it for voice it fails. At least I hope that's what he is saying.


Can you post a shot of your flow and the get customer input block?


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已回答 5 個月前

The issue here is most likely that the language set in the Amazon Connect contact flow does not match the language model used to build the Lex bot.

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已回答 2 個月前

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