IAM Policy for amazon connect recording pause & resume?


I have created a role for EC2 and now looking to get the exact iam policy for amazon connect recording pause and resume. How to achieve this for:

  1. SuspendContactRecording - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/APIReference/API_SuspendContactRecording.html
  2. ResumeContactRecording - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/APIReference/API_ResumeContactRecording.html

What if i will assign the AmazonConnect_FullAccess to this role? will permission of recording will added?

1 個回答

Found the solution. Yeah it if attach AmazonConnect_FullAccess, the permission of recording pause and resume will be added. If you want to create a separate policy only for recording actions use in your actions:

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