Component version doesn't exist in the AWS cloud


I have deleted the component from AWS cloud, from local device, and built another device in another region as well, but it shows device unhealthy, and showing error like this.... Error like this. Can anyone tell the reason behind this. Thank you Nik

2 個答案

Hi Nik,

did you create your component in the other AWS Region? Greengrass components are regional resources that must be created in every region where you want to use them.

Is your component showing up under My components? You can also use list-components and list-component-versions with the AWS CLI.


已回答 1 年前
  • Can you tell me that how can I delete this components using aws-cli Thank you Philipp

  • You can use the delete-component API. To delete a component you provide the component arn. You can find the arns of your components with the list-components command.

  • Thank you Philipp, but I think, it’s different error because it has no ARN, so how can i delete it, I tried but it shows… not a valid ARN.

  • Can you find your component with list-components? As arn you need to provide the arn including version, for exampel arn:aws:greengrass:AWS_REGION:AWS_ACCOUNT:components:com.example.learndevice:versions:YOUR_VERSION

  • No, I cannot find because it has no ARN. That's because I confused about this error.


Hey Nik,

It shows that error because you deleted the component on Iot Core (hence it tells you it can not find it because it was deleted). If your device is unhealthy, use the aws.greengress.Cli greengrass-cli component list and check which component is broken or failing which would cause it to report to Iot core as unhealthy, also check the logs on your device which will give you more insights as to what might have gone wrong. Try creating a new deployment adding or removing the components you want it to have and the device status should update.



已回答 1 年前

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