Lambda Edge won't delete after 5 days


Used the CDK to create a CloudFront distro with a lambda edge function to add security headers. It failed due to another account using the same name (legacy account that has since then been removed). I tried to re-deploy but it wanted me to destroy the stack fist. Well, it's been 5 days and I still cannot destroy the stack.

I'm aware of the nightmare of Lambda Edge functions and while this may not be a CDK bug, this is an AWS bug to say the least. The Cloudfront distro has been deleted for 5 days. I have no way to manually delete the Lambda Edge functions so I am not not able to deploy my stack. The docs stated do not apply as I have no Distro to edit. The CDK destroy method deleted everything so I am not able to do anything.

Reporting as a bug here because the CDK should have a better implementation of deleting these due to the known limitations in AWS.

I have paid support in other accounts but not this one, so I am not even sure what I can do at this point as not having paid support gives me no way to ask to fix this issue...

Reproduction Steps
Create a Cloudfront Distro with a Lambda Edge Function. Then delete it.

What did you expect to happen?
The stack to delete.

What actually happened?
It deleted everything but the Lambda Edge function and now I am in a state that it will not delete and I have no way to delete it.

9:10:18 AM | DELETE_FAILED        | AWS::Lambda::Function         | assetsCdnedgeFunctionFn889F71D0  
Resource handler returned message: "Lambda was unable to delete arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:117781944281:function:CatalogOlyComCdnProd-assetsCdnedgeFunctionFn889F71-0RRGz4brxZvf:1 because it is a replicated function. Please see our documentation for Deleting Lambda@Ed  
ge Functions and Replicas. (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 8243f0d8-1c06-4175-9872-0743e9041b08, Extended Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: f7c38014-c4ef-f6e3-4d7c-cb97925d08f9, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)  
        new Function (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/node_modules/@aws-cdk/aws-lambda/lib/function.ts:625:35)  
        \_ EdgeFunction.createInRegionFunction (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/node_modules/@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront/lib/experimental/edge-function.ts:141:26)  
        \_ new EdgeFunction (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/node_modules/@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront/lib/experimental/edge-function.ts:60:14)  
        \_ CloudFrontWordPressCdn._buildLambdaFunction (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/node_modules/@olympusat-devops/oly-cloudfront-templates/src/lib/CloudFrontWordPressCdn.ts:116:27)  
        \_ new CloudFrontWordPressCdn (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/node_modules/@olympusat-devops/oly-cloudfront-templates/src/lib/CloudFrontWordPressCdn.ts:64:32)  
        \_ new CatalogOlyComCdnProd (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/accounts/oly-marketing-prod/us-east-1/src/stacks/  
        \_ Object.<anonymous> (/home/jpsimkins/DevOps/oly-iac-mono-repo/aws/implementations/accounts/oly-marketing-prod/us-east-1/src/stacks/  
9:10:18 AM | DELETE_FAILED        | AWS::Lambda::Function         | assetsCdn/edgeFunction/Fn  
Resource handler returned message: "Lambda was unable to delete arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:117781944281:function:CatalogOlyComCdnProd-assetsCdnedgeFunctionFn889F71-0RRGz4brxZvf:1 because it is a replicated function. Please see our documentation for Deleting Lambda@Ed  
ge Functions and Replicas. (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 8243f0d8-1c06-4175-9872-0743e9041b08, Extended Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: f7c38014-c4ef-f6e3-4d7c-cb97925d08f9, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)  
9:10:19 AM | DELETE_FAILED        | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack    | CatalogOlyComCdnProd  
The following resource(s) failed to delete: \[assetsCdnedgeFunctionFn889F71D0].  

Reported issue here too:

Also, reported to AWS support but since this account has no paid support, I am doubtful I will get much of a response.

Edited by: olyDevOps on Jun 7, 2021 1:16 PM

Edited by: olyDevOps on Jun 7, 2021 1:21 PM

已提問 3 年前檢視次數 286 次
1 個回答

I was able to get basic support to escalate this issue and they were able to delete the edge functions.

已回答 3 年前

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