Archiving dB-backed Websites


I've got a couple of relatively simple websites that I want to terminate and archive for posterity. I thought they were using PostGres SQL, but amazon says that they're using RDS on EBS. Snapshots still use RDS and incur charges for doing so, even archived snapshots. S3 storage is cheap, not RDS.

Absent any better ideas, can I simple download the snapshots, delete them, then upload the snapshots to S3 buckets as files/collections of files, which is all I want.

已提問 2 個月前檢視次數 86 次
1 個回答


If your database on RDS you can take snapshot and select it then click on Actions then choose Exports in Amazon S3. You will take database snapshot by easy way to s3.

If your database on EBS you can take dump then download it then upload to s3.

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