How to make a greengrass deployment available on another account/endpoint


Is there any way to make a greengrass deployment available on another endpoint. For example, if i was to create a deployment in a test/dev account, and then want to make it available in a production account ? Is there any way to write the deployment files for the artifacts ?

For example, if a component has a recipe where it has an artifact located - how would you write it so it wasn't bound to the bucket MY-BUCKET which would be on the test/dev account ?

"Artifacts": [ { "Uri": "s3://MY-BUCKET/components/artifacts/",

已提問 8 個月前檢視次數 216 次
1 個回答

Hello, majh.

To make a Greengrass deployment available on another account or endpoint, you can follow these steps:

Prepare Deployment Artifacts: First, you need to prepare the deployment artifacts that you want to share between the test/dev account and the production account. In your case, you want to make sure that the artifacts are not bound to a specific S3 bucket in the test/dev account.

Artifact Location in Component Recipe: Modify the component recipe in your Greengrass deployment definition so that the artifact location is not hard-coded to the test/dev S3 bucket.

Deployment Definition: Create or modify the deployment definition to include the updated component recipe with the dynamic artifact location. You can use the AWS IoT Greengrass Deployment definition to specify the components and their configurations.

Deployment to Production Account: Now, deploy the updated Greengrass deployment definition to the production account. Ensure that you provide the correct S3 bucket name when deploying the deployment definition to the production account.

Update AWS IAM Permissions: Make sure that the IAM roles or permissions in the production account have the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket where the deployment artifacts are stored.

Test and Monitor: Once the deployment is in the production account, test it thoroughly to ensure that the components and artifacts are correctly retrieved and used.

Best regards, Andrii

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已回答 8 個月前

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