Domain Name not Working rather website open only on IP


Hi everyone,

I've assign domain to static ip to domain name, however still website not open on the above domain name

Secondly, I've added name server as well , static ip to domain name please experts check why it won't work.

static IP assign is

Provide me concoise steps to resolve this issue like I'm looking forward to open with domain name rather with static ip.

In Dns Records A RECORDS Record name Route traffic to

Provide step by step guide to resolve this issue

Also configured Hosted zone configuration also added NS details to under DNS Zone domain

looking forward to see your positive response

1 個回答


You may have been experiencing some initial lag after setup until the DNS propagated correctly, because currently I can see your domain name resolve correctly to your mentioned IP address in the browser.

But please note, your domain name does appear to not have SSL setup yet. Please follow to setup SSL and make it more secure.

Please see screenshot below : Website loaded in browser using domain name


profile pictureAWS
已回答 8 個月前
  • No Domain Name is not working neither is not showing website on it. please let me know how it resolve and I don't to open website on IP


  • I updated my original post with a screenshot showing the domain-name open in browser. I tried both Chrome and Safari.

    Perhaps you could try in a Private or Incognito window or on a different computer or laptop in case it is a DNS caching issue ?

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