Aws Cloud Directory Policies on DynamicObjectFacet


Hi all. I'm working with Aws Cloud Directory using the managed schema and through the GO API, so far so good with objects, links, search, queries; but, when I try to create a policy object with dynamic faced I get the error: "Missing required node values: [policy_type, policy_document]"

I tried adding two more elements to the AttribuKeyAndValue but still got the error.

var keysAndValues []types.AttributeKeyAndValue

policyType := types.AttributeKeyAndValue{
	Key: &types.AttributeKey{
		SchemaArn: aws.String(APPLIED_SCHEMA_ARN),
		FacetName: aws.String("DynamicObjectFacet"),
		Name:      aws.String("policy_type"),
	Value: &types.TypedAttributeValueMemberStringValue{
		Value: "AppUser",

bina, _ := json.Marshal(obj)

policyDoc := types.AttributeKeyAndValue{
	Key: &types.AttributeKey{
		SchemaArn: aws.String(APPLIED_SCHEMA_ARN),
		FacetName: aws.String("DynamicObjectFacet"),
		Name:      aws.String("policy_document"),
	Value: &types.TypedAttributeValueMemberBinaryValue{
		Value: bina,

keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, policyType)
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, policyDoc)

I would be grateful if someone gives me a light on how to create policy objects using the dynamic schema.

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 66 次

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