My instance changed the type and now is stuck in Initializating part.


I changed the type, and now when I started is stuck in the process to initializating and then the check fail, so the instance is not running. What I could I do for it?

Status checks detect problems that may impair i-0f22c529bbd413dcd (uw2-Kali-Linux) from running your applications. That is the error I have with the instance starting.

The OS is Kali linux, the current instance type is t2.medium and I changed for a t2.xlarge.

  • It would be helpful is you could say the OS and version, also the current Instance Type and the new one you want to use.

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 282 次
2 個答案


Most of the ec2 re-size fails due incompatibility of current size/os to new type. It is recommended keep your disk and network related drivers updated and compatible before you plan to change instance type. You can refer below links to see if it helps to resolve your issue. Thanks.

已回答 1 年前

Check if the AMI you are using for Kali Linux support t2.xlarge instance type, sometimes old versions of Marketplace linux OS have some limitations, I checked the last AMI of Kali Linux and it works with t2.xlarge but maybe your AMI is too old. As the previos answer says, update OS packages, drivers and kernel. (Take an AMI before doing it so you can go back if something goes wrong) Hope this helps.

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已回答 1 年前

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