Transfer ownership of a NIC (Network Interface Card) to another AWS account


Is it possible to transfer ownership of a NIC to another AWS account in the same availability zone?

For context, I have moved/transferred ownership of an AMI instance and now I want to transfer the ownership of the original NIC associated with the instance, that is to enable us to use the same MAC address association for licensing purposes.

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 324 次
1 個回答

Unfortunately it is not possible to move an ENI to another account. Neither is it possible to define the MAC address for an ENI. Please note: You can create a network interface in a subnet. You can't move the network interface to another subnet after it's created. You must attach a network interface to an instance in the same Availability Zone (has to be in the same account)

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已回答 2 年前
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已審閱 2 年前

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