How to use android sdk to create mqtt5 client


I tried using the package aws-android-sdk-iot:2.64.0 to connect to aws-iot and set up an mqtt client, but only found version 3.1.1, but there is no way to create the mqtt5 client. However, my message sender is an mqtt5 message created using aws-iot-device-sdk, which is incompatible with version 3.1.1 of Android devices

我尝试使用aws-android-sdk-iot:2.64.0这个包连接aws-iot,并建立mqtt客户端,但是只找到3.1.1版本,没看到如何创建mqtt5客户端。 但是我的消息发送端是使用aws-iot-device-sdk创建的mqtt5消息,和安卓设备的3.1.1版本不兼容

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