Need to reduce this cost $0.005 per In-use public IPv4 address per hour


I have created a Wordpress Website on AWS with EC2 instance and there is a load balancer as well which is not connected to the IPv4 of the EC2 instance , but connected to some other IPv4 addresses, shall i delete the IPv4 addresses which are not connected to the EC2 instance but connected to the load balancer and if so then how can i connect the EC2 instance's IPv4 address to the load balancer and make sure the website is running smoothly

I am using bitnami-wordpress-linux-debian-hvm-ebs-nami for wordpress website

These are the resources being used Enter image description here

I am being charged for these "$0.005 per In-use public IPv4 address per hour"

How shall I reduce the cost to fit in the free tier

This the screenshot of the charges being incurred Enter image description here

已提問 2 個月前檢視次數 446 次
1 個回答

Now it does not matter if your public IP address is used or not

Hourly charge for In-use Public IPv4 Address $0.005
Hourly charge for Idle Public IPv4 Address $0.005

the cheapest option for you would be creating an "Internet facing" Load Balancer and direct traffic from it to Private EC2 instances (which don't have public IPs)

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已回答 2 個月前
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已審閱 1 個月前
已審閱 2 個月前
  • Just a note, load-balancer free-tier is 750 hours a month, for 12 months. After free tier the load balancer will be much more expensive than the IPv4. Also you will pay for the Public IPs associated with the load-balancer anyway, so this will not actually reduce costs.

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