How can I report a clear bug?


I have posted a clear bug here:

I even created a narrated youtube video showing and explaining the bug.

I got two answers, but both are mistaken and I have made comments proving this. Now the attention of the question is dying out and the developers still don't know about the bug. What should I do?

已提問 9 個月前檢視次數 269 次
2 個答案

I have conveyed this to service team and I am waiting for an answer. When I have it, I will post it in the original post.

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已回答 9 個月前
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已審閱 22 天前

This "question" was offered to me as relevant content... It seems bizarre to me that there is no simple means for the community to use re:Post to mark contributions as possible bugs in AWS. It isn't support, so paying a fee to provide AWS themselves, with input that is a possible issue just seems totally wonky?!

A trivial feature to mark something as a possible issue with AWS itself, that requires me to confirm I've taken reasonable troubleshooting and diagnosis steps, to then have an indication that AWS product teams have triaged - no expectation of a response, just acknowledgement that the time and effort taken by customers, has been recognised... Can't be that much of a stretch can it?

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已回答 6 個月前

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