EC2 instance stuck at boot with not enough space. Can't log it via SSH (not responsive enough to connect). What can I do?


The instance is running cloudron from marketplace. I had not enough space left to back up apps in cloudron neither update. So here's what I did :

Changed the attached volume to 40 gb instead of 20, in Amazon AWS Came back to cloudron. Was still showing 20gb. 127 mb left. Rebooted the machine using cloudron admin Nothing.. Rebooted in AWS.. nothing. Not responding but booting.

I managed to get logs after a successfull boot in a really unstable Cloudron admin.

AWS says instance is online. But I can't log it via SSH (not responsive enough to connect). What can I do?

` 2022-06-14T15:27:45.621Z box:server ========================================== 2022-06-14T15:27:45.622Z box:server Cloudron 7.1.4
2022-06-14T15:27:45.622Z box:server ========================================== 2022-06-14T15:27:45.840Z box:settings initCache: pre-load settings 2022-06-14T15:27:45.884Z box:tasks stopAllTasks: stopping all tasks 2022-06-14T15:27:45.885Z box:shell stopTask spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ all 2022-06-14T15:27:45.970Z box:shell stopTask (stdout): sudo: unable to resolve host ip-1xx-xx-30-1xx: Name or service not known

Cloudron is up and running. Logs are at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/logs/box.log 2022-06-14T15:27:46.058Z box:reverseproxy writeDashboardConfig: writing admin config for 2022-06-14T15:27:46.098Z box:shell reload spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ nginx 2022-06-14T15:27:46.131Z box:shell reload (stdout): sudo: unable to resolve host ip-1xx-xx-30-1xx: Name or service not known

2022-06-14T15:27:46.312Z box:cloudron onActivated: running post activation tasks 2022-06-14T15:27:46.312Z box:platform initializing addon infrastructure 2022-06-14T15:27:46.314Z box:platform platform is uptodate at version 49.0.0 2022-06-14T15:27:46.314Z box:platform onPlatformReady: platform is ready. infra changed: false 2022-06-14T15:27:46.314Z box:apps schedulePendingTasks: scheduling app tasks 2022-06-14T15:27:46.352Z box:cron startJobs: starting cron jobs 2022-06-14T15:27:46.383Z box:cron backupConfigChanged: schedule 00 00 23 * * * (America/Toronto) 2022-06-14T15:27:46.390Z box:cron autoupdatePatternChanged: pattern - 00 00 1,3,5,23 * * * (America/Toronto) 2022-06-14T15:27:46.392Z box:cron Dynamic DNS setting changed to false 2022-06-14T15:27:46.393Z box:dockerproxy startDockerProxy: started proxy on port 3003`

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 324 次
1 個回答

Have you tried mounting the EBS volume on another instance? Might be able to expand the volume partition on another machine and reattach.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前

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