How to get association information of attachments when using Salesforce connector of Kendra


I'm using the Salesforce Online connector v2.0 of Kendra to sync data stored in Salesforce to my Kendra Index. The data includes both salesforce records (Case, Account, etc.) and files attached to the records. When I searched data from the Kendra Search console and got one of the attached files as the search result, I'd like to know which record the attached file is attached to in Salesforce to access to the record link quickly. But, seems there's no field which includes information of the record in Attachments (I thought the "parentName" includes the record information first, but actually it just shows parent record type such as "Case"). Also, I tried to add "parentId" field to Attachments, but I couldn't do so because the new parentId field is registered under "Account" even when I pushed "Add field" button in "Attachments". Is there any way to know which record the attached file is attached to from the search result of the Kendra Search console?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 293 次
1 個回答

Thanks for reaching out. We also noticed this, and will implement the behavior of parentName to be the name of the parent entity instead of type of the entity. The corresponding fix is ready and will be launched to all cx region within this week.

已回答 1 年前
  • Hi, thank you for the great information! I'm looking forward this fix. After launched, I'll check the behavior in my environment again.

  • Hi, any update about this? I tried sync again today, but seems still I couldn't get the parent entity name or ID of the attachment searched. Thanks,

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