Can we edit/modify the end point url after RDS database creation


Can we edit/modify the end point url and port after RDS database creation from the aws portal. What is the procedure?

can we get link/document/url to modify the end point URL and port ?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 903 次
1 個回答

Hi. You can modify db endpoint url and port after creation.

Renaming DB instance

When you rename a DB instance, the endpoint for the DB instance changes, because the URL includes the name you assigned to the DB instance. You should always redirect traffic from the old URL to the new one

Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance

Database port The port that you want to use to access the DB instance.

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已審閱 21 天前
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已審閱 1 年前
  • We have created the database with 12 TB. Now customer requesting to scaledown the storage and it is not allowing now. Now we are planning with below steps.

    1. Customer stop writing to Oracle DB Friday evening
    2. we should backup entire Prod database
    3. We should restore Prod DB to new instance (important end point must stay as previous one)
    4.  We will release new instance for testing.
    5. Saturday or Sunday once above is complete, customer will do test
    6. If test failed revert to original.
  • We have created the database with 12 TB. Now customer requesting to scaledown the storage and it is not allowing now. Now we are planning with below steps.

    Customer stop writing to Oracle DB Friday evening we should backup entire Prod database We should restore Prod DB to new instance (important end point must stay as previous one) We will release new instance for testing. Saturday or Sunday once above is complete, customer will do test If test failed revert to original.

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