can't connect to any new ec2 instances or rds databases


I've tried this many times over the last couple of weeks. I created a default VPC (virtual private cloud). I edited the default security group (firewall) to allow all inbound and outbound traffic to/from anywhere.

I created EC2 instances running Debian or Ubuntu, connected to my default VPC, using my default security group. I can't connect to them. PuTTY says "Network error: Connection timed out". I noticed today that if I attempt to connect immediately after creating or rebooting the instance, I can successfully connect for a minute or so, then PuTTY stops responding and eventually says that the connection was aborted due to a network failure. After that point, I can't connect anymore. When I try to connect from the browser, in the AWS management console, I get: "There was a problem setting up the instance connection".

The same kind of problem happens with Windows instances. Again, they're connected to my default VPC, using my default security group. If I attempt it immediately after creating or rebooting, I can connect to the instance using Windows's Remote Desktop Connection program. However, after running for a minute, I get disconnected; from that point on, trying to connect results in the error: "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer" (remote computer is turned off, not available on the network, or has remote access disabled).

Neither can I connect to MS SQL or MySQL RDS databases. They are also using my default VPC and security group, so they should be wide open, but I can't reach them.

I can successfully connect to Linux and Windows virtual machines on Lightsail and Azure, so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong on my computer that would prevent outgoing connections. I can also connect to EC2 instances that my employer created from my work computer, but neither my home nor work computer can connect to EC2 instances that I created. Since I can connect to the EC2 instances briefly after rebooting them, that tells me that my VPC's security group is configured correctly to allow access. I can't see that I've done anything wrong, but I can't connect. Have I overlooked something, or could there be something wrong in AWS?

Another interesting thing to note is that if I add a superfluous character to the name of the computer I'm trying to connect to, my computer can tell instantly that the computer I'm trying to reach doesn't exist, but when I try to correct to the correct name, it takes a whole minute to time out. That tells me that, somehow, my computer can tell the instance exists; it just can't get SSH or RDP to work.

已提問 4 年前檢視次數 390 次
1 個回答

I decided to pay for a tech support plan and got help from tech support. It turns out that there was an issue with my individual account that would never have been visible in the AWS Management Console. Only AWS tech support would ever have been able to fix it.

"1. Your AWS resources have been isolated due to previous account suspension in 2015. Although you have reactivated your account in case #... in 2016, some of your resources were not un-isolated correctly and this could result in EC2 disconnection. Regarding this issue, I have requested our internal team to help, and they removed the isolation."

I'm not sure what it means for resources to be "isolated", but it obviously wasn't just a simple firewall configuration issue. If you're having a similar problem, you can't connect to your resources even with a wide-open firewall, and you've ever closed your AWS account and reopened it, then you might need to contact AWS tech support.

已回答 4 年前

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