Cognito events logging


We are currently using the Cognito user pool as our authentication service. We want to get the logs when a user has an unsuccessful login or log out of the application. I know Cloudtrail shows when it has a successful login with a user ID, but it does not show any details about the user In the case of unsuccessful login and logout. Also, Lambda triggers do not have a solution for this. Any suggestion on how to achieve this would be helpful.

已提問 2 個月前檢視次數 265 次
1 個回答


How about enabling advanced security on your Cognito user pool?
Enabling this feature will record events of user sign-in success and failure.

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已回答 2 個月前
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已審閱 2 個月前
  • Hello, It does not talk about the option of the logout. How can I implement the logout option?

  • As far as I know, I don't think you can check logout only with the Cognito user pool. Therefore, I think you will need a unique implementation to record some kind of log at logout on the application side.

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