Switching exam from onevu online to a test center


Hi All,

I have scheduled my exam through Pearson vue online, but now I have second thoughts and thinking to take the exam from a test center. Is it possible? Kindly help me

已提問 9 個月前檢視次數 966 次
1 個回答

The following web page describes it this way.
This means that you will need to cancel your current reservation and make a new reservation.

Q. If an exam is offered in both test centers and via OnVUE, can I book the exam in one delivery method and reschedule it to the other?
A. No, as the rescheduling function cannot be used to change the exam delivery method. Instead, if you wish to change the delivery method, you must cancel the original appointment and then schedule a new one.

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已回答 9 個月前
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已審閱 9 個月前
  • Which means I have to cancel and register again? So rescheduling not possible?

  • Yes, the schedule change does not allow you to change from taking the test online to the test center. I think you need to cancel once and then select a test center and make a reservation.

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