verify the correct installation of AWSToolkit on VISUAL STUDIO CODE


Hi, I would like to know how I can check if I have correctly installed the AWS Toolkit on VISUAL STUDIO CODE. Kindly bring some practical examples and not links on the documentation, I can find it on the net.

已提問 10 個月前檢視次數 241 次
2 個答案

Hi Dario, concrete example from my laptop (with IntelliJ but VS should look close)

Enter image description here

You can see that my CodeWhisperer installed on top of AWS Toolkit is connected with my builder ID. So, it proves that Toolkit works fine.

Hope it helps! Didier

profile pictureAWS
已回答 10 個月前
  • Dario, on your comment: AWS Toolkit doesn't install the SDK for you in your VS projects. You have to add the Java SDK packages that you need : at least S3 + core from what I see below. Do you use Maven ? Then you have to install those packages in your project via Maven

  • I will try, thanks mate.


also my is connected but when i try this code

import; import; import;

public class AWSToolkitExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Crea un'istanza del client S3 S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) // Sostituisci con la tua regione AWS preferita .build();

    // Elenca i bucket S3
    ListBucketsResponse response = s3Client.listBuckets();
    response.buckets().forEach(bucket -> System.out.println(;


I have this problem

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: S3Client cannot be resolved to a type S3Client cannot be resolved Region cannot be resolved to a variable ListBucketsResponse cannot be resolved to a type

I'm going crazy, i can't install it properly

已回答 10 個月前

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