Custom HTML for confirmation user email


Hi, how can I set custom HTML content for the email that Amplify Cognito send automatically to the user when i call the signUp API of the Auth module or when the user ask for forgot password?

I see that there is a field in the "Password protection settings" section in the Authentication settings page of Amplify Studio console, but it's only a simple text field, I can't specified HTML.

Thank you!

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 257 次
1 個回答

Hi Marco,

Cognito allows creating workflow triggers for lambda functions. With these workflows, it is possible to perform customizations in SignUp messages, Forgot Password messages, among other events. For more details see the documentation: user-pool-lambda-custom-message

Implementing logic via Amplify: basic-scaffolding-for-a-custom-auth-challenge

已回答 1 年前

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