Cannot have more than 0 active builds - AccountLimitExceededException


I've used codestar to set up a new project, but when it gets to the "build" step of the pipeline, I simply get the error:

Action execution failed
Error calling startBuild: Cannot have more than 0 active builds for the account (Service: AWSCodeBuild; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccountLimitExceededException; Request ID: <x>)".

I raised a support request and it took about a week for them to say they've raised the limit to 20 for my account (which seems like it should be default), but.. I still get the same error. This makes me think the error may be incorrect or I've set up something incorrectly. Has anyone else seen this before? I couldn't find this particular error mentioned anywhere else.

已提問 7 年前檢視次數 3078 次
8 個答案

I have the same problem. I've just created a new Build Project (in AWS CodeBuild Developer Tool). I'm trying to "start build". But I see the same error over and over:
"Build failed to start. The following error occurred: Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account."

Also, when I'm trying to change the Project configuration option "Enable concurrent build limit - optional" (Limit the number of allowed concurrent builds for this project) to true and set "Restrict number of concurrent builds this project can start" (Concurrent build limit) on at least 1. I hae the error:

"Project-level concurrent build limit cannot exceed the account-level concurrent build limit of 0."

But I didn't set those account-level concurrent build limit to 0! And I can't find where it can be changed!

已回答 2 年前
  • Have you resolved this issue ? i need workaround


I've the same problem.

Have you solved the problem?

I'm using AWS CodeStar.

Edited by: carlosfaria on Jan 6, 2018 8:41 AM

已回答 6 年前

If you are still seeing this error, you can contact AWS support. Please refer to Thanks.

已回答 6 年前
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已審閱 1 個月前

we have the same problem in codebuild
and we just have 80 build projects

Error: Cannot have more than 0 active builds for the account

how to check active builds?

已回答 6 年前


Are you using the account Id (35****94) with which you posted this message? If yes, you should get the default 20 concurrent builds and not be seeing this error message. Could you private message me the buildARN that you got this error message for?

Subin M
已回答 6 年前

I've the same problem.

How can I get help with this?

已回答 3 年前

The same problem for me.
I have one build project only.
Need some advice to resolve this.

Edited by: nguyentrunghau on Aug 18, 2021 6:35 AM

已回答 3 年前

I have same problem. How to solve the problem?

已回答 10 個月前

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