Error deleting network interface - no permission


we're using terraform to spin up some ec2 instances and then we start a k8s cluster using rke. This works fine. We want to use ELB storage for a mysql database. This volume is created by k8s (via default storageclass pointing to as provisoner) when the mysql pod is started.
This works fine, but when the whole system is destroyed via terraform destroy, it will time out because the internet gateway/subnet can't be deleted (aws_subnet.subnet: Error deleting subnet: timeout while waiting for state to become 'destroyed').
The funny thing is, that I can't delete these resources manually as admin! I always get the info that I have not the permission to access that resource. These are the network interface ids I can't delete: eni-04fc3289ea225f06, eni-04fc3289ea225f06, eni-04fc3289ea225f06 and eni-04fc3289ea225f06.
Also interesting is, that these network interfaces are referencing a public ip that doesn't exist anymore. When I select such a network interface and then click on the link of the public ipv4 address, I see an empty list.

Any help is much appreciated

已提問 5 年前檢視次數 592 次
1 個回答


I am sorry to hear about your issues. I have checked and I can see that the Elastic Network Interface (ENI) eni-04fc3289ea225f065 is associated with an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) [1] in eu-central-1 region. If you wish to be able to remove this ENI, you would need to delete the related ELB first [2].


I hope that you find this information helpful. Please let us know if you need any further help.


已回答 5 年前

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