Preserve aws deployment state in a file and then use to redeploy.


How can we achieve following? Is there a command/cli for doing this:

Preserve aws deployment state in a file and then use to redeploy. Use this file to deploy and clean and then redploy to bring in same running instances and services. Can we use Sam or another command to save the state in a yaml or a similar file?

  1. command save-state <aws-state.yaml>
  2. command clean-existing-state //wipes and cleans off aws deployed state, can probably turn off or even remove
  3. command restore-state <aws-state.yaml>
  4. vim aws-state.yaml //manually make certain changes
  5. command clean-existing-state
  6. command restore-state <aws-state.yaml> //redploy updated state


已提問 2 年前檢視次數 173 次
1 個回答

If you want to define a repeatable deployment that you can use to manage your infrastructure, you've just defined cloudformation

While there are some attempts to turn existing infrastructure into CloudFormation, such as Cloudformer - it's quite difficult to do this reliably.

You can use Drift Detection to show where your infrastructure has changed

已回答 2 年前

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