SES Production Assess


After granting SES production access I am facing the following issue on sending an email on the SES console or on a production website.

(The message can't be sent because the account's ability to send email is currently paused. Sending is paused for this account.)

please guide.

2 個答案

Hi, Check the SES console reputation metric is healthy, sometime it might be disabled, paused if bounce rate and complaint rate cross the limit, if diabled/pause you need to request support to enable.

已回答 2 年前
  • No. There is no way.

    I have the same problem. I gave them some new fresh information. I got nothing. Every time i add some information; the case appers as re-opened, after 2 minutes it will go automaticly as "SOLVED ".

    So answer is no. They are SES (!) , they are untouchables (!), they are unreachables...


No. There is no way.

I have the same problem. I gave them some new fresh information. I got nothing. Every time i add some information; the case appers as re-opened, after 2 minutes it will go automaticly as "SOLVED ".

So answer is no. They are SES (!) , they are untouchables (!), they are unreachables...

已回答 2 年前

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