Is it possible to chat with an AWS Connect Agent using an external resource and Lambda?


I have a Lambda function that has the correct permissions for Connect to start a chat and the chat is not going to the flow. There is nothing in cloudwatch except the 200 response I provided below. I grabbed the ContactFlowID and the InstanceID from the "show additional information" menu in the Flow editor screen and I also have another automation that can trigger a phone call with the flow via lambda which works, but chat doesn't. Any ideas?

I have multiple use cases for this doing different things, but would like to start with just a basic "hello world" to get a POC built.

import boto3

connect_client = boto3.client('connect')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

        response = connect_client.start_chat_contact(
            ContactFlowId = 'myflowID',
            InstanceId= 'myinstanceID',
            ParticipantDetails={'DisplayName': 'Customer'},
                'ContentType': 'text/plain',
                'Content': 'bruh'
        print("Chat contact started:", response)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error starting chat contact:", e)
        raise e

    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': 'Chat contact initiated successfully'

And here is the response..

Chat contact started: {'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': 'requestIDhere', 'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'HTTPHeaders': {'date': 'Wed, 08 Nov 2023 14:12:27 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'content-length': '787', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-requestid': 'someimportantIDnumber', 'access-control-allow-origin': '*', 'access-control-allow-headers': 'Content-Type,X-Amz-Date,Authorization,X-Api-Key,X-Amz-Security-Token', 'x-amz-apigw-id': 'OMdlEGSblah=', 'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET,OPTIONS,POST', 'access-control-expose-headers': 'x-amzn-RequestId,x-amzn-ErrorType', 'x-amzn-trace-id': 'Root=1-somenumbersandletters'}, 'RetryAttempts': 0}, 'ContactId': 'contactIDhere', 'ParticipantId': 'participantIDhere', 'ParticipantToken': 'blahblahblahmytokenblahblah='}

Here is my test flow. Enter image description here

已提問 6 個月前檢視次數 262 次
1 個回答

Hi John,

While you successfully created the chat, participants must be added to the chat for it to route anywhere inside of Connect. This is documented on the StartChatContact API page and the CreateParticipantConnection API page.

A high level overview of the steps is available here:

Happy building!

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